5 Tibetanen

Hallo allemaal,

Vandaag dag 2 van de derde week dat we thuis zijn, ik begin te merken dat ik uit mijn ritme raak en mijn energie wat minder wordt, misschien merken jullie dit ook? Daarom ben ik gisteren op zoek gegaan naar oefeningen waarbij ik alle spieren in mijn lichaam stretch en wat de energie weer in beweging zet. Deze 5 tibetanen zijn fantastische oefeningen om de dag mee te beginnen, ik merk dat het me de energie boost geeft die ik weer nodig heb voor de dag. Hopelijk geeft het dit effect ook bij jullie.

Stand up straight, stretch your arms outward untill they are parallel with the floor, face your palms down

While staying in the same spot slowly start turning clockwise, keep your head up focussing on one spot

make about 10 circles, stop and focus for a moment on one spot

When becommimg dizzy slow down your pace

Focus on a rhythmic breathing

Lie flat on your back, arms on your side palms on the floor

Inhale and lift your head, moving chin toward the chest. Simultaneosly raise your legs straight up, keeping knees straight ( if you feel uncomfort in the lower back bend knees if needed)

Exhale and slowly lower your head and legs to the strating postion. Relax all muscles

Repeat 5 – 10 times

Focus on rhytmic breathing

Kneel on the floor, shoulder width apart hips aligned over your knees ( put extra padding under knees if necessary). Straighten your trunk and place your palms on the back of your tighs

Inhale and drop your head back, arching the spine to open the chest

Exhale and drop your head forward, moving your chin toward your chest            Keep your hands on thighs during whole exercise

Repeat 5 -10 times

Sit on the floor and extend your legs straight ahead, feet shoulder width apart. Put your palms on the floor at your side, fingers facing forward. Straighten your upper body.

Drop your chin toward your chest. Inhale and gently dop your head back, when at the same time lift your hips and bend your knees to tabletop position with your head tilted back, contract your muscles and hold your breath

Exhale, relax your muscles and return to starting position

repeat 5 – 10 times, again focus is on rhytmic breathing

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, plant your hand palms in front of you

Extand your feet behind you, toes curled and shoulder width apart. Straighten your arms and arch your spine. Drop your head back into Upward-facing dog

Inhale and lift your hips moving body into an upside down V shape, chin toward the chest and straighten your back into a downward-facing dog

Exhale and move back into Upward-facing dog

repaeat 5 – 10 times To support your back you can bend knees between poses